This week’s area of focus is SCIENCE, and we’re making water balloons.

In this experiment, your child will learn about liquid density and why some balloons float or sink.

You will need:

  • Balloons
  • Sugary drink
  • Diet sugary drink
  • Large container

Once you have your materials, fill your balloons and label them. Then, fill your large container with water. After, have your child place the balloons in the large container with water and watch to see which ones float and which ones sink. 

Sugary drinks sink, but why? This activity teaches children the scientific process that sugar-filled drinks sink because sugar is heavier. You can learn more here


This week’s area of focus is ENGINEERING, and we’re making a pulley system. 

Even though pulleys look simple, they are powerful, ingenious machines that are used in everyday life to help make jobs easier. Your kids will love learning about this simple machine.

You will need:

  • An old ribbon spool
  • Dowels/chopsticks
  • String
  • A container

Once you’re done building your machine, take turns putting different items like toys or snacks in your pulley and reeling it up. You can learn more here about pulley systems. 

If you try this at home, please share how it went and don’t forget to tag us on our social media pages so we can enjoy it too!