This month we’re doing STEAM activities based on some of our galleries. This week’s area of focus is SCIENCE and we’re making sensory bags that little Tots can enjoy. This is our Tot-Spot STEAM activity. 

You’ll need:

  • Ziplock bag
  • Water
  • Oil
  • Glitter/Confetti
  • Duct Tape
  • Food colouring (optional)


  1. Fill your ziplock bag with water ¾ full.
  2. Add in ¼ oil (and food colouring for extra fun).
  3. Add in glitter, confetti, sparkles, pom poms and other sensory items.
  4. Let the air out of the bag and carefully seal it.
  5. Tape the edges of the bag to secure it.
  6. Play away!

What happens when you mix oil and water? Molecules are strongly attracted to each other and the same with oil, that’s why they don’t mix well together.


This week’s area of focus is ART, and we are creating our own stamps!

You’ll need:

  • Foam
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Ink pads (or markers)
  • Glue
  • Bottle cap lids


  1. Decide what kind of fun shape you’d like to create (picking a simple outline without too much detail is best).
  2. Draw out the design on your piece of foam and cut it out
  3. Glue your foam design to the lid of the bottlecap and start stamping!

This activity allows children to create their own crafting tool and then make artwork with it.


This week’s area of focus is ENGINEERING. The challenge is to build a heart from toothpicks and playdough.

You’ll need:

  • Toothpicks
  • Playdough

1. Set out a pile of toothpicks
2. Roll playdough into small balls- this will be the glue to connect the toothpicks together
3. Challenge your child to design and create a heart made of toothpicks

Children will learn about how to engineer different structures. They can use their creativity in design and test out the strength of different shapes. This is a fun way to learn and identify shapes.

Craft Source: Kindergarten Connection


Want to see how the heart works?! This week’s focus on TECHNOLOGY is all about how a heart pumps in and out of its chambers.

You’ll need:
– Small Jar
– Cup
– 2 Bendy Straws
– Balloon
– Tape/Glue
– Water
– Red Food Colouring
– Toothpick

1. Fill your jar halfway with water and add in your food colouring.
2. Take your balloon, cut the neck off it and stretch the top part over the jar’s mouth. Do not discard the neck part of the balloon, we’ll need that later.
3. Take a toothpick and poke a hole in the top of the balloon close to one side of the jar. Now, poke a second hole about an inch away from the first hole.
4. Take your straws and push one through each hole making sure the bendy part is sticking out the top.
5. Now take the neck part of the balloon and use it to cover up the opening of one of the straws and secure it with tape.
6. Place your cup under the other straw to catch the liquid.
7. It’s time to start pumping! Ask your child to push up and down on the balloon between the two straws. The “blood” will go up the open-ended straw and come out into the cup!

Our hearts have four chambers, and this activity shows kids an example of how one of those chambers works. Children will learn the technology behind how a heart pumps blood throughout your body when it stops beating on its own. Your child pressing up and down on the balloon is kind of like how a defibrillator works.

Craft Source: MomBrite
Picture Source: KiwiCo