Pop m’Art

This is no ordinary grocery store…nor is it an art exhibit. So what is it?

It’s Pop m’Art – where kids “shop” for recycled supplies and create works of art!

The stock is always changing, the creations transforming – this space IS art, but on the largest scale.

Fun inspires your mind in the hip and cool cube!

block building

Explore In Person

Want to experience Pop m’Art in person?

10 Ways To Play In Pop m’Art

  1. Mix and match the animals. What do you call the animal you created?
  2. Spin the colour pies. What colours do you see? Spin them again. Now what colours do you see?
  3. Make a shish kebob. Can you make a pattern? What colours did you use?
  4. Make a face using fruits and vegetables. Take a photo! What else can you make?
  5. Shop for supplies. What did you find?
  6. Create your own work of art. Tell your partner about what you made.
  7. Find your favorite piece of art in the gallery.
  8. Peek through a frame in the gallery window.
  9. How many pencils are hanging above your head?
  10. What is on the pencils above your head? What colours are they?

Learning Outcomes

  • Supports Arts and Social Studies learning outcomes
  • Supports Inspiration and Creation early childhood development goals

Download Pop m’Art (Help Kids Create) Handbill (PDF) – English
Download Pop m’Art (Help Kids Create) Handbill (PDF) – French

We rely on art supply donations to keep Pop m’Art well-stocked for our creative young visitors. With our stock always changing, we’re looking for any of the following items for use in upcoming seasonal creations:

  • Puzzle pieces
  • Packing peanuts
  • Lids
  • Fake flowers
  • Egg cartons
  • Felt
  • Yarn
  • Ribbon
  • Foam
  • Bubble wrap
  • Camera film canisters
  • Paper towel rolls
  • Construction paper
  • Paper bags
  • Tissue paper
  • Stir sticks
  • Paper plates
  • Paper cups
  • Plastic cups
  • Straws
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Playing cards
  • CDs or DVDs
  • Records
  • New or gently used crayons
  • New or gently used children’s scissors
  • Washable liquid white glue

Your donation of any of these items is greatly appreciated! Donations can be dropped off at our Admissions Desk or call 204.924.4013 to learn more.

Help us make learning more playful in Pop m’Art! We’ve put together a wish list of items that will spark creativity and hands-on fun for the children who visit the museum. Every item you give helps to create a place where young minds can explore, learn, and grow.

Your donation of any of these items is greatly appreciated! Donations can be dropped off at our Admissions Desk or call 204.924.4013 to learn more.

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