Manitoba Children’s Museum Unveils New Construction Plans & Gallery Designs
With construction already underway behind the scenes, the Manitoba Children’s Museum unveiled its Capital Campaign construction plans for the renovation of the museum on Thursday, February 25th. Featuring a virtual walkthrough and display exhibit of the new space, the public unveiling coincides with the official launch of the museum’s Under Construction Capital Campaign. This $10 million campaign will raise funds to double the number of galleries from six to twelve new galleries, to construct a Welcome Centre addition, and to renovate to include a new Arts & Exhibition Centre.
“Over 2 million pairs of hands and feet have played in the Manitoba Children’s Museum since we opened here at The Forks in 1994,” says Diane Doth, Executive Director of the Manitoba Children’s Museum. “Though our galleries are well-loved, it is time for a major renewal. We are currently working with an exhibit design firm and architects to map out our ideas, and our plans include the museum’s closure for construction in Fall 2010 and grand reopening in Spring 2011.”
The plans for the reconstruction and rejuvenation of the Manitoba Children’s Museum include:
- A new 3,500-square-foot Welcome Centre addition, which will provide upgraded admission amenities, as well as increase safety and security for the museum’s youngest visitors and improve access to the museum;
- 12 innovative, creative, multi-level galleries, offering open-ended play and discovery opportunities. Based on the concept of children’s building blocks, the new cubic gallery design has dedicated learning outcomes, and will present a world of experiences that entertain as they educate;
- An exclusive toddler gallery, Tot Spot, to meet the needs of the museum’s youngest adventurers; and
- A multi-functional Arts & Exhibition Centre for travelling exhibits, special events, performances and rentals along with three educational classrooms for programs and workshops.
Of the $10 million campaign funds, $7.3 million has been raised to-date, including a federal and provincial infrastructure contribution of $5 million towards the project. The museum is looking to the community for financial support to reach their goal.
The Manitoba Children’s Museum exists to spark kids’ creative learning. For over two decades, the Manitoba Children’s Museum has been providing an interactive environment that nurtures the power of imagination and spirit of self-discovery.
Media Contact: Lisa Dziedzic
Director of Marketing & Communications • Direct Line: 924-4011