Our Galleries Are More Than Just STEAM-TASTIC!

This Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to highlight a fun fact about our galleries that you might not know: they don’t just support STEAM learning, but also play a role in emotional growth! While our primary focus has always been on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, our interactive exhibits also provide amazing opportunities for kids to develop their emotional intelligence. Let’s take a playful tour through some of our galleries to see how they support emotional learning too!

Tumble Zone

Who knew knocking down and rebuilding could teach resilience? In the Tumble Zone, kids use pieces to create unique cityscapes. It’s construction with a twist! This playful chaos helps children develop problem-solving skills and resilience as they learn that it’s okay to start over and try again.

Time Squared

Time Squared isn’t just about telling time; it’s about telling tales too! Here, children boost their social skills and self-expression through role-playing and storytelling. Whether they’re acting out a story on stage or just hanging out in the clock tower, this gallery encourages communication and creativity. Tick-tock, let’s talk!

Story Line

All aboard the empathy express! The Story Line gallery allows kids to immerse themselves in different worlds and characters through storytelling and role-playing. Acting out stories helps children understand different perspectives and step into others’ shoes. Choo-choo!

Splash Lab

Dive in and calm down! In the Splash Lab, kids do much more than just play—they investigate. The sensory experience of water play helps children focus and manage their emotions, offering a perfect blend of fun and tranquility.

Lasagna Lookout

Noodles and giggles! The Lasagna Lookout is a tactile feast for the senses. Crawling through giant pieces of lasagna and interacting with different textures helps relieve stress and promotes physical activity. Who’s hungry for fun?

Engine House

Curiosity on track! In the Engine House, children explore the inner workings of a real train engine. This hands-on exploration fosters resilience and a love for discovery. There’s nothing like the thrill of uncovering how things work. Choo-choo!

Pop m’Art

Get crafty! In Pop m’Art, kids can shop for recycled supplies and create their own works of art. This space is all about self-expression and creativity, helping children communicate their feelings through artistic creation. Masterpieces incoming!

Playtime is powerful! Our galleries provide a rich environment for both STEAM learning and emotional growth. Come visit and see how we create a space where play nurtures both the mind and the heart. Let’s play and learn together!

Stay tuned on our social media channels (@childmuseumwpg)for more updates and join us in celebrating the many ways play impacts mental health and well-being this month!

5 Ways to Teach Kids Compassion During Mental Health Awareness Week

May 6-12 marks Mental Health Awareness Week, and this year, the spotlight is on the healing power of compassion. Today, we’re sharing five practical ways you can teach your children to be compassionate, helping them to not only contribute to a kinder world but also to enhance their emotional well-being.

Lead by Example

Children are keen observers, often mirroring the behavior of adults. When children see compassion in action, they learn that it’s a natural and vital part of interacting with the world.

Encourage Empathy Through Stories

Stories are a powerful tool for teaching empathy. By sharing tales where characters navigate various emotions and situations, children learn to put themselves in others’ shoes. Discuss these stories, ask questions about how characters might feel, and explore the outcomes of their actions.

Practice Gratitude and AppreciationFostering a spirit of gratitude in your home can lead to greater compassion. Encourage your children to express what they are thankful for daily—be it small joys or big victories.

Practice Active Listening

Active listening is a cornerstone of compassion. Teach your children to listen with the intent to understand, not to respond. This involves giving full attention, acknowledging feelings, and responding thoughtfully.

Encourage Acts of Kindness

Create a ‘kindness challenge’ where each family member performs small acts of kindness regularly. Whether it’s writing a thank-you note, helping a sibling, or volunteering, these actions reinforce the joy and connection that come from being kind.

This Mental Health Awareness Week let’s commit to teaching our children the essential life skill of compassion. By incorporating these practices into our daily routines, we enhance our children’s emotional well-being and contribute to a kinder, more empathetic world.

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Kids Playing

Supporter Spotlight: Domino’s Pizza Canada

At the Children's Museum, we know that seamless and memorable experiences come from lots of careful planning and valuable collaborations.  That's why we're delighted to partner with Domino's, ensuring that your special occasions at the museum are filled with delicious meals and stress-free service. For parents planning a birthday party or hosting a facility rental…
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Toddler wearing a yellow construction hat and turning a black crank

Our Galleries Are More Than Just STEAM-TASTIC!

This Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to highlight a fun fact about our galleries that you might not know: they don't just support STEAM learning, but also play a role in emotional growth! While our primary focus has always been on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, our interactive exhibits also provide amazing opportunities…
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Kids Playing

The Power of Storytelling with David Robertson

As we celebrate Indigenous History Month, it's essential to recognize the profound impact of storytelling in preserving and sharing Indigenous culture. We had the pleasure of interviewing David Robertson, an award-winning author known for his significant contributions to Indigenous literature. David's insights on the importance of storytelling, his journey as an author, and his thoughts…
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