It’s time to learn about winter weather and make a homemade thermometer with this week’s focus on TECHNOLOGY.
You’ll need the following:
- A clear plastic bottle/container
- A straw that you can see through
- Clay or playdoh
- Red food colouring
- Water
- Rubbing alcohol
- Cooking oil
- Add red food colouring, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup alcohol and a tablespoon of oil into a container and mix.
- Place your straw inside the container, leaving about ½ inch at the bottom and cover the container mouth with your clay.
- Place your DIY thermometer outside in the cold and look at the difference in how high the liquid rises in the straw at various temperatures.
Most thermometers contain alcohol due to its low freezing point. As the temperature of the alcohol increases, it will cause the liquid inside the homemade thermometer to rise! Let’s hope we have a warm winter.
Source: Little Bins For Little Hands